Saturday, December 29, 2018


Originally posted at the start of a new chapter of universitying, elsewhere, on


Everyone wants and needs companionship. This is especially true in a whole new world like university.

The problem comes in knowing when have overstepped the companionship boundary into the clingy –needy person arena.

Sometimes you get really close with someone and start having some counterfeit oneness thing going on. This can happen between both same sex and cross-sex relationships. You start doing everything together and people may even tease that you look more and more like a couple, even though that kind of intention does not exist between you.
You start separating from the group the greater group of friends.

This really should be avoided as you will be closing yourself off to finding someone really special for your own life, as people will be thinking that you are already... taken… .. .
What is worse, you may feel pangs and tinges of jealousy when you see your “not-significant-other-but- buddy” with others and even having a party without you!

It is often difficult to stay out of this kind of situation as it is every human’s basic need to be wanted, to be accepted and appreciated... to feel... .. . loved.

In the long run, it is important and good for you to take time for yourself, self-reflection and have your moments of introspective personal one-on-self time.

That said, don’t isolate yourself, we all need that someone to share your qualms with.
You really shouldn't bottle it all up, otherwise, you are just going to pop like a bottle of champagne after the grand prix….
without all the excitement though.

Go ahead find someone to talk to, if you aint gots nobody go invent an imaginery friend why dontcha or speak to a psychologist. I say the imaginary friend is cheaper…

Hollaback... J3tsetter out.

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